
Eryngo Honey

Eryngo honey, with its insulin-like function, effectively treats diabetes, liver, and kidney disorders while having lower sugar content than other honey. It also aids in treating anemia, infections, and joint pain. The herbaceous Eryngo plant’s cupped, purple flowers, produce nectar used by bees to create dark amber honey with a delightful aroma and taste. Try the natural remedy of Eryngo honey to benefit your health today.



The use of Eryngo honey is very effective in the treatment of diabetes, liver, and kidney disorders. This honey has a similar function to insulin and regulates the pancreas. This leads to a reduction in blood sugar, which is very effective in treating diabetes.

Moreover, this honey has a lower sugar content than other honey, such as thyme honey and Sidr honey. The sugar content of Eryngo honey is easily digestible, thereby minimizing the risk of severe side effects for people with diabetes.

Eryngo honey is also effective in treating anemia and increasing red blood cell count. It helps eliminate infections in the digestive system, strengthens the stomach, and reduces joint pain.

Eryngo is a herbaceous plant growing to a height of 60 cm. Its flowers are cupped and purple. Long blades surrounding the petals, usually the same color as the petals, characterize this flower.

Using the nectar from Eryngo flowers, bees produce Eryngo honey. The color of this honey is typically dark amber, and the taste and aroma are pleasing.